EasyBlue-Keyboard & Mouse Switch


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Supported Devices

Views 12307 Votes 0 2012.02.10 10:36:16

EasyBlue is a standard Bluetooth HID profile that is supported on smartphone devices. Even if the same Android OS 2.3 Gingerbread platform is used, depending on device, there will be some smart devices that support the HID profile functionality and there will be some that do not support it.


As of present, 01/10/2012, the smart devices that we have tested are as listed below. (“Latest firmware upgrade” denotes the most recent firmware update released by the smart device manufacturer; “Mouse Pointer Icon Disabled” denotes that the mouse pointer does not appear on the noted device)


1.     Mouse & Keyboard supported Devices


-       Samsung Galaxy Note

-       Samsung Galaxy S & S2 (Android OS 2.3 Gingerbread and later)

-       Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 (latest firmware upgrade, NO MOUSE DRAG)

-       Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Android OS 3.0 Honeycomb and later)

-       Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android OS 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and later)

-       Motorola ATRIX (Android OS 2.3 Gingerbread and later)


2.     Only Keyboard supported Devices


-       Apple iPhone 3, 3GS, 4, 4S (iOS 4.0 and later)

-       Apple iPad & iPad2 (iOS 4.0 and later)

-       Pantech Vega LTE (latest firmware upgrade)

-       Pantech Vega X (Mouse Pointer Icon Disabled, latest firmware upgrade)

-       Dell Streak (Mouse Pointer Icon Disabled)

-       HTC Sensation (Mouse Pointer Icon Disabled)


* The functionality of the mouse pointer icon activation will be dependent on the smart device manufacturer, EasyBlue cannot correct any changes made by specific smart device manufacturers. If for some reason users find that mouse pointer icon activation is difficult or not functioning on their device, in that particular case, we advise these users to only utilize the keyboard or get a compatible device that supports both functions.

* LG Electronics smartphones do not support the Bluetooth HID profile and Easyblue will not function.

* Black Berry does not support the Bluetooth HID profile and EasyBlue will not function.

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